

Note: Following is a list of some of the primary resources to help you and your community effectively address partner violence. It is not a comprehensive list as there are numerous local, state, national and international organizations that offer information, tools and resources on partner violence. Many professional organizations also offer discipline specific materials and resources, so search the internet for other sites if you do not find what you need here. In addition, the short description of services and resources offered by organizations listed below is not exhaustive. See the individual websites for a full explanation of what each organization offers.

National Helplines

National Domestic Violence Hotline  800-799-SAFE (7233); 800-787-3224 (TTY)  Hotline advocates are available 24/7 for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states and U.S territories. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreter services.

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline  856-321-9474; 866-331-8453 (TTY)
 Information on dating abuse and online messaging available at the website. Peer advocates available 24/7.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)  800-656-HOPE (4673) 
A free national confidential service for crisis intervention and referral. Live support is available 24/7 via online chat and through at the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline.

Victim Connect Resource Center  855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846) The National Center for Victims of Crime offers information, resources, and hotline and online assistance for victims of crimes including crimes related to domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, human trafficking, and elder abuse. They also provide information about Crime Victim Compensation programs that can help pay for some of the out-of-pocket expenses victims of crime incur.

National Resources

National Network to End Domestic Violence  NNEDV works to provide information, toolkits, training, technical assistance, program development, funding to state and community domestic violence agencies; and lobbies congress for legislative remedies to domestic violence. The following NNEDV websites offer information for survivors and victim service agencies: State by state plain-language legal information for victims of abuse. The Safety Net Project offers valuable information and toolkits on privacy strategies and the safe use of technology for survivors and victim service agencies.

Aequitas  Focused on developing, evaluating, and refining prosecution practices related to gender-based violence and human trafficking.

The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC) SPARC is an initiative of Aequitas that ensures that first responders and other allied professionals have the specialized knowledge to identify and respond to the crime of stalking, and provides information and links to tools for stalking victims/survivors.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges  Provides training, technical assistance, and policy development on issues of family violence. Publications on domestic violence, supervised visitation, child abuse, and child custody and visitation are available.

Futures Without Violence  Works to prevent and end violence against women and children through training, education, policy development and public action campaigns.

Battered Women’s Justice Project  Provides expertise, technical assistance, training, and resources through a number of project initiatives and within selected topics, including: domestic violence and firearms, improving criminal justice responses, advocacy for active military and veterans, probation response, protective orders and full faith and credit, and domestic violence informed child custody decision making.

Legal Momentum  Targeted litigation, policy advocacy, education and research to help shape laws and policies that affect gender equality and ensure they are properly implemented and enforced. Legal Momentum works with public and private employers on workplace and domestic violence issues, so that they can provide needed accommodations for survivors and deal effectively with perpetrators. Legal Momentum’s Helpline (see website or call 212-925-6635, ext. 650) is a resource for women seeking pro bono legal information, assistance, and referrals on a range of issues related to the rights of women and girls.

International Association of Chiefs of Police  Professional organization for police leaders that offers publications, training, protocols and tools to promote progressive, effective and responsible policing.

American Probation and Parole  Offers information related to domestic violence and sexual assault for community corrections personnel.

Peace at Work  Information and resources related to workplace violence.

Workplaces Respond to Domestic Violence Resources, training and technical assistance to employers, survivors, co-workers and advocates.

Crash Override Network  A crisis helpline, advocacy group and resource center for people who are experiencing online abuse.

Endtab Helps organizations address and respond to online harm and stalking.


Additional Fact Sheets, Tools and Resources

Stalking and Harassment Assessment and Risk Profile (SHARP)  A research-based online tool to help assess the “big picture” of a stalking situation, to educate about risks and offer safety suggestions. Created by TK Logan, Ph.D. Robert Walker, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., and Jeb Messer, B.A. (9/11/13).

Tracking the Stalker (PDF) with sample log

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Advocates)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Judges)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Law Enforcement)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Victims)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Friends)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Probation and Parole)

STALKING: Connecting the Dots! (For Mental Health Professionals)

Partner Abuse: Looking Beyond Physical Assault to Coercive Control (For Health Care Providers) 

What Police Need to Know About Stalking (Police Beat Magazine, April, 2010)  A resource for people who are being stalked by non-intimate partners; Washington state and national resources listed.  Artist organization founded to educate people about sexual assault, domestic violence and dating abuse.  Campus safety guide.

Research, Reports and Presentations: Links

Understanding Civil Protective Order Effectiveness, Barriers, and Arguments: Justice or Just a Piece of Paper (Civil Court Responses to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (2019), Chapter 2, TK Logan)

Research on Partner Stalking: Putting the Pieces Together

The Kentucky Civil Protective Order Study (2009)

Civil Protective Orders: Justice or Just A Piece of Paper (TK Logan):

Perspectives on Civil Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases: The Rural and Urban Divide

Vermont Workplace Violence Study (2011)

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